Bluetooth® comes to SRTS!

We are pleased to announce that SRTS now supports the HeartMath Inner Balance-Bluetooth sensor for Android and Apple devices. SRTS version 1.2.1 also supports other Bluetooth 4.0 LE sensors, but the HeartMath sensors are known to be accurate and reliable in measuring and tracking the all-important heart rate variability (HRV) rhythm. HeartMath Inner Balance-Bluetooth is the only sensor currently certified to work with SRTS 1.2.1. Over time we expect to certify additional Bluetooth sensors, and we'll let you know when we do.  If you have a Bluetooth heart rate sensor that you want to use with SRTS 1.2.1,, here is how: from the gear icon in the action bar, select the Bluetooth sensor option. When you activate Basic Training or one of the biofeedback enabled games, SRTS will automatically pair with your Bluetooth sensor. It's that easy! Please let us know if you have questions or ideas.

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Get the new HeartMath Inner Balance Bluetooth sensor: